Centurions Guild

Aside from zoning on a zombie film (28 Weeks Later); celebrating a wedding; and enjoying the stereotypically American Memorial Day of hotdogs, family, and perfect weather, I also did reflect on the cost of being American. If you’re in a reflective mood as well, you may want to check out the Centurions Guild. It’s meant as a forum for those un-fallen soldiers still struggling with the cost of waging war.

During my channel surfing, I also heard Gary Sinise (Lieutenant Dan of Forrest Gump fame) place the figure at around 5,000 for the number of “Gold Star” kids: those who have lost a parent in Iraq or Afghanistan.  While the decision to invade Iraq casts an ominous shadow on the presidential hopefuls, the sons and daughters of military personnel killed must live with the absence of their moms and dads everyday.  It’s for the sacrifices of these families that I am most grateful and mournful.

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