
The Kings are Coming...

The Feast of the Epiphany: Celebration of the Three Kings coming to pay homage to the King of All Kings.

Moveable Feast: A Feast Day, the time of which is not always fixed to a particular day.

In the United States, Roman Catholics are celebrating the [Moveable] Feast of Epiphany tomorrow (January 8th).

My hope is that like the Magi, each of us will acknowledge the presence of Emmanuel in our lives.  He is with us, every moment, we just need the eyes to see Him!

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God becomes an infant baby for us. What a gift!

Today is my mom’s birthday, which she acknowledges is almost always the day when everyone has to go back to work.  After mass at Saint Joseph’s [] one long-time parishioner explained how she took down all of her Christmas decorations, even the wreath on her door.  With Christmas trees strewn about the streets many people seem to concur that Christmas is over.  But they are wrong.  Okay, I must admit that I didn’t really know either, although I would have guessed the Feast of the Epiphany;  and after checking with a priest friend that is the official end of the Christmas season.  For all the Roman Catholics out there the Feast of the Epiphany is on January 8th which means the Christmas party “ain’t over yet.”  Merry Christmas everybody!

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