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This photograph was taken near Times Square, the afternoon after the new year’s celebrations.  I have to say, it is great having a day off right in the middle of the week.

If you’re interested in seeing several of the significant events of the year past I recommend that you check out the New York Times’ 2013: The Year in Pictures 

Also in the New York Times, the population is declining in New York State: New York Soon to Trail Florida in Population

With the Winter Olympics fast approaching Russian leader, Vladimir Putin recently released Mikhail Khodorkovsky.  For a cleverly done documentary with a bleak perspective about the state of political freedom in Russia check out the film Khodorkovsky.

In New York City there is a film festival coming up that looks absolutely fascinating: The New York Jewish Film Festival.

Also, Why China Needs More Children courtesy of Time Magazine.

As for me, it is back to work tomorrow.





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